To make things working you need:
- Set Virtualization on your CPU enabled
- Application where you can run VHD images. I have choosen VirtualBox from Oracle
- AX7 VHD Image
- Account on Office365
At first, check your settings in bios. Make you Virtualization Enabled. For me it is Intel Virtualization Technology.
Name it. In this case it is ax7.
As much RAM as you can add is nice to have.
Select your VHD image.
After some time you should see standard login prompt. Type password: pass@word1
Run As Administrator Provisioning tool, type your Office 365 account and press Submit.
After some time you will be granted to administrator.
Open IE. You will find this address. Open it. Login with your Office 365 credentials.
Once you have issues with login with your Office365 account try below trick:
- Start Visual Studio as Administrator
- Find in AOT CustTable Form for example
- Right click on it and Add to new project.
- In your project right click on CustTable form and Set as startup object
- Go to Debug and press Start without debugging